Privacy Policy

Our Policy

1.0 Overview

bg大游尊重学术机构固有的价值观和观点的多样性,因此尊重知识自由和言论自由.  The University does not condone censorship, 它也不支持对电子文件进行例行检查或监控与个人使用有关的网络活动.

At times, 但是,帐户持有人以外的人访问计算机存在合法理由, electronic files, or data related to use of the University network, including but not limited to: ensuring the continued integrity and availability of University systems and operations; securing user and system data; ensuring lawful and authorized use of University systems; providing appropriately de-identified data for institutionally approved research projects; and responding to valid legal requests or demands for access to University systems and records.


2.0 Purpose


3.0 Scope


4.0 Policy

In general, users may expect privacy in their individual files and data, electronic mail, 和语音信箱,只要他们以符合目的的方式使用大学的资讯科技资源, objectives, and mission of the University and in accordance with law and University policy.  However, 大学不能保证其资讯科技资源的绝对安全及私隐.  To the contrary, various uses of information technology resources or access in general, may not always be private.

Accessing Information to Provide Services

In the course of their normal job duties and the operation of the University, authorized employees will have access to data, including stored data, about you. This data may not have been communicated directly to those employees by you, but appropriate employees will have access as a regular part of their employment.  They will only use this data for work related purposes, 这可能包括与大学以外的适当个人分享,以及在这里允许的情况下.

Monitoring and Maintenance of Information Technology Resources

The University, as a regular part of its business, 监控信息技术资源,确保其使用符合法律和大学政策, that they are operating efficiently, that there are no threats to them, and that they are regularly maintained and updated. 这包括您发送或接收的电子邮件和通信,以及您放置在大学信息技术资源上的文件或软件.  The University may retrieve, copy, 和分发载有大学资讯科技资源的资料,如果这是雇员在其工作职责中经常及必要的一部分.

Access of Information Technology Resources

Additionally, the University may retrieve, copy, 在首席信息官和其他内阁级大学官员认为符合大学最佳利益的情况下,分发包含在大学信息技术资源中的信息, 并通知教师/员工人力资源执行主任或学生院长.  This may occur, for example, in the event there are reasonable grounds to believe:

  • There is a threat to the University’s information technology resources, 或为确保大学资讯科技资源的有效运作而需要查阅资料
  • That a violation of University policy or an illegal act has occurred or may occur
  • There is a threat to University property or the rights of the University
  • There is an emergency affecting the safety of persons or property
  • Litigation involving the University or its agents or employees is possible or ongoing
  • A work document, to which a department needs access, is on an employee’s computer but the employee is absent

The University’s monitoring and access may occur without notice to you; however the Chief Information Officer will maintain a log of such activities which shall be made available for inspection by any member of the President’s cabinet.  任何资讯科技资源均有密码保护,并不妨碍大学对其进行监察及查阅.  监视和访问可能包括物理地访问信息资源,无论其位于何处.

Responding to Compulsory Legal Requests

当根据有效传票的条款要求时,大学将遵守所有合法命令获取信息, warrant, other legal order, or an applicable law, regulation or University policy.  所有获取信息技术资源或电子信息的合法请求或要求,均应按照本政策附带的“执法部门的信息技术请求”流程图中概述的程序处理.  In accordance with this procedure, 在向执法部门发布任何信息之前,应由大学法律顾问审查所有此类搜查令或其他命令.  如果执法机构寻求立即执行搜查令或其他命令,而不会等待大学法律顾问的审查, 个别系统技术人员或其他接受此类命令的人员不应妨碍搜查令或命令的执行, but should document the actions by law enforcement, notify the Chief Information Officer as soon as possible, 并在任何可能的情况下采取合理的步骤,保存任何被移除的资料的副本, for appropriate University use.

5.0 Enforcement


6.0 Definitions

Information technology resources —all University owned and operated computers, software, hardware, and infrastructure. It further includes all University services and programs such as email, course management systems, and web pages. It also includes:

Data and other files, including electronic mail, 存放在或位于或驻留在(临时或其他)大学拥有的中央维护系统, departmentally-maintained systems, and University-owned systems or computers.
存储在校外、由其他实体拥有或运营的系统中的大学数据和其他文件.  这些系统可能受其与隐私和其他事项相关的条款和条件的约束.
Data communicated over University networks.

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